Our Recent Works

Afyonkarahisar-Dinar Karakuyu (Dombay) Pumped Irrigation IrrigationRenewal 1st Section Preparation of Land Acquisition Plans and LandAcquisition Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Reports Consultancy Services
The Republic of Turkey will implement the Afyonkarahisar-Dinar Karakuyu (Dombay) Pumped Irrigation System Renovation Project under a low-interest loan from the World Bank. The project involves the construction of a pressurized pipe irrigation network and industrial structures to irrigate approximately 1,374 hectares of agricultural land. The project will also prepare a Land Acquisition Plan (LAP) for land expropriation and consolidation and will be implemented in accordance with the World Bank's ESS 5 standards. Eight monitoring and evaluation reports will be prepared during the project, which will aim to monitor the compliance of expropriation and land acquisition works with the plans.
Preparation of Environmental Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık Kartalkaya Dam Irrigation Renovation Construction Project
The Kartalkaya Irrigation Project, constructed by DSÄ° in 1971, is still operational. Since the current irrigation system is nearing the end of its economic life, the project will transition from a wild irrigation system to a High-Pressure Pumped Pipe irrigation system. This new system aims to irrigate a total of 24,614 hectares of agricultural land. The project affects approximately 27,535 people in 53 neighborhoods within the districts of DulkadiroÄŸlu, Pazarcık, and TürkoÄŸlu, and is expected to benefit around 65,000 people. Additionally, water savings from the project will allow for the irrigation of additional agricultural areas fed by the Kartalkaya Dam.

Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation and
Sustainable Management of Forest
Ecosystems in Mount Ida Project
As part of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) GCP/TUR/904/GFF project, we are committed to Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forest Landscapes in Mount Ida. At the beginning of the project, we are focusing on developing a strong Communication Strategy involving various sectors and stakeholder groups. This strategy aims to strengthen the network of Protected Areas (PAs) and integrate ecosystems conservation with regional forest and agricultural systems. The strategy based on the results of the KAP survey provides important data on project success by monitoring changes in awareness and understanding. We also aim to integrate biodiversity conservation objectives into decision-making processes through the BTD survey.
Comprehensive Comparison Study between Turkish MRV Legislation and EU ETS Directive
The project "Comprehensive Comparison Study between Turkish MRV Legislation and the EU ETS Directive" is based on an agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the Federal Republic of Germany. The cooperation partner and beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change (MoEU). The project is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German government and the Climate Change Directorate on behalf of the Turkish government under the Bilateral Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Environment between Turkey and Germany. Funding is provided by the Federal Republic of Germany through the International Climate Initiative (ICI).

Reporting Service for the Assessment of Social Impacts of Irrigation Projects
It includes the analysis of the socio-economic impacts of Çankırı Akhasan, Sivas Karacalar, Aydın Bozdoğan/Akçay irrigation projects realized by the State Hydraulic Works Directorate. It aims to assess the relationship between project outputs and migration phenomenon and provide detailed recommendations. The study will examine the socio-economic status of affected households, taking into account income, education and employment. It will investigate whether these projects have influenced migration patterns, their causes and consequences. It will also assess the potential impacts of migration on the economy and social fabric of the region.
Consultancy Services for Reviewing and Improving Pre-Feasibility Studies and Conducting Environmental and Social Screening Studies for Green OIZs
The Ministry of Industry and Technology (MoIT) has secured funding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) via the Ministry of Treasury and Finance (MoF) for consultancy services for Turkey's Organized Industrial Zones Project (OSBP). OSBP aims to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness of selected industrial zones in Turkey with a €250.3 million budget managed by the General Directorate of Industrial Zones (DGIZ). A portion of the funds will be allocated for innovation and training centers to boost OIZ competitiveness. The project, facilitated by the STB with World Bank support, aims to serve as a model for other industrial zones. Its objective is to develop a coordinated strategy for selected OIZs, focusing on improving basic and green infrastructure and fostering innovation.

Preparation of World Bank Environmental and Social Documents for Çorum Province Irrigation Projects
Three irrigation system construction projects in Corum are detailed: Ibrahimkoy, Seyitnizam, and Kizilhamza. Ibrahimkoy will cover 310 hectares, Seyitnizam 504 hectares, and Kizilhamza 252 hectares. All projects involve utilizing existing ponds as water sources and laying polyethylene pipes for irrigation. Environmental impacts, including archaeological site preservation, will be assessed. Land acquisition plans for private and government-owned parcels are outlined. The projects' impacts on land users' livelihoods and settlements' proximity to the project areas are considered, with resettlement plans addressing potential impacts on residents and infrastructure
Turkey Resilient Landscape Integration ProjectBolaman Basin Rehabilitation Project
Turkey faces environmental challenges including soil erosion, land degradation, and desertification due to factors like improper agricultural practices and rapid urbanization. Despite afforestation efforts, 43% of forest cover is degraded, and biodiversity is threatened by habitat loss. Water scarcity affects half of Turkey's river basins, with some facing absolute water scarcity. Natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, and landslides, cost the country significantly each year. Climate change exacerbates these challenges, with increasing temperatures and altered precipitation patterns. The Turkey's Resilient Landscape Integration Project (TULIP), funded by the World Bank, aims to address these issues by strengthening integrated landscape management and improving rural livelihoods in selected sub-basins. This project involves investments to mitigate natural resource degradation, water insecurity, and climate risks, implemented by various government agencies.

Technical Assistance to Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Water and Wastewater Administration for the Preparation of Tender Documents under the Financing Provided by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the World Bank (IBRD)
ASKÄ° General Directorate has initiated the "Ankara Drinking Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Management Master Plan" since June 2020. The plan aims to systematize services in line with the growth of Ankara until 2054. Population projections indicate a rising demand for drinking water, with estimates reaching 705,411,910 m3/year by 2054. To ensure long-term water supply security, the capacity of Ankara Central (Ä°vedik) Water Treatment Plant will be increased. The plant, currently operating at 90% capacity, will undergo unit capacity increase projects to meet future demand. Financing for the project has been sought from the World Bank through SCP2-AF Project financing options, with the total project cost exceeding 60 million Euros
Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Plan, Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Social Audit Report and documents for CIP to be financed by the World Bank for Balıkesir Organized Industrial Zone
The Ministry of Industry and Technology of Turkey has secured financing from the World Bank for the Organized Industrial Zones Project (OIZP) to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness of selected industrial zones. Balıkesir Organized Industrial Zone (BALOIZ) will benefit from the project to improve its technical infrastructure and attract investors. The project aims to modernize infrastructure, making BALOIZ more environmentally friendly and cost-effective for businesses. Investments include upgrading water, stormwater, and wastewater systems, as well as telecommunications, electricity networks, and road lighting. The goal is to create a greener, more attractive industrial zone that fosters innovation and connectivity with local universities and research institutes. The project aligns with Turkey's efforts to enhance industrial competitiveness and environmental sustainability.

Mid-Term Review on Enhancing the Resilience of Syrians under Temporary Protection and Host Communities in Turkey by Promoting Socio-Economic Integration and Creating Livelihood Opportunities
The project seeks to enhance the socio-economic integration of Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities in Turkey. It focuses on supporting agricultural livelihoods and employment in the agri-food sector. Specifically, it targets 6,200 households residing in areas with high Syrian refugee populations and significant agricultural employment. The goal is to improve livelihoods and promote self-reliance among both refugee and host community households
​Pre-feasibility of a pilot plant for cleaning synthesis gas, carbon sequestration, preventing the emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by converting carbon dioxide into another product (methanol, etc.) in the existing pilot plant with a capacity of 250 kg/hour located in the Soma campus of the ELİ Directorate. The scope of this technical support includes the pre-feasibility of the pilot plant for the production of hydrogen and urea with a daily production capacity of 1000 tons of ammonia, training the R&D Department personnel who will carry out the necessary studies to increase the competence to prepare the pre-feasibility report, increasing the competencies of the survey studies, making the necessary analyzes, and improving the evaluation techniques.

Preparation of Feasibility Report for TRIJEN Pilot Plant

​Preparation of Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan of Bursa Province within the scope of CirculaMare Project Baseline Study in the Mediterranean - Assignment of Plastic (Micro Plastic) Waste Disposal Measures in 3 Pilot Districts
To combat the negative impacts of the drastically increasing amounts of plastic waste in the Mediterranean Sea, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (Alliance) has joined hands with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH to support the reduction of plastic waste entering the environment in eight countries across the Mediterranean region, Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Greece, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. The project “CirculaMare” is designed to address plastic waste pollution across the Mediterranean region. It focusses on urban areas as population and waste generation hotspots at the Mediterranean coasts, on islands and along rivers in the region. The project develops innovative solutions tailored to the specific local plastic waste challenges through nine individual demonstration projects, adapted to the regional and national context. Combining the learnings and results of all demonstration projects in a plastic waste management toolbox, scalable and economically viable solutions are developed and disseminated for cities across the Mediterranean region. The regional approach within this project will be interlinked with existing initiatives on plastic waste management in the Mediterranean to exchange learnings, coordinate an aligned approach and increase the impacts of all initiatives
Education For All in Times of Crisis III – Tender (Procurement) Consultant (Agent) Appointed to Support The Executing Agency In The Tendering And Contract Management
KfW, representing the EU, signed a EUR 100 million financing agreement with the Turkish Ministry of National Education for the third phase of the "Education for All in Times of Crisis" project. Funds from FRIT and the EU aim to provide education access for all children in Turkey, particularly the 1 million Syrian refugee children. With existing infrastructure often inadequate, EUR 405 million over three phases will be used to build 340 more schools and kindergartens, creating 143,000 school places. These new facilities will be located in host communities across 19 provinces of southeastern Turkey, as well as in Istanbul and Ankara.

Assisting GDF in the preparation of the Trust (Procurement and Financial) and ESF (Environmental and Social Framework) Documents (SEIA, ESMF, PKF, LFMF) for the Turkish Landscape Integration Project (TULIP) to be financed by the World Bank
The project aims to assist the Government of Turkey in addressing environmental and socio-economic challenges in the Bolaman basin and the Cekerek basin. It focuses on enhancing livelihood security and resilience against climate-induced landslides, flooding, and drought in local communities. Adopting an integrated landscape management approach, the project will facilitate participatory planning involving various stakeholders. This approach ensures coordination and integration of solutions among government agencies and local stakeholders. Leveraging previous experience in watershed rehabilitation, the project aims to achieve sustainable outcomes through collaborative efforts.
Procurement Support and Assistance to the EIB in ISMEP through Public Procurement under Turkish Legislation and/or World Bank Procedures (construction of public buildings, especially schools, hospitals and health centers)
Turkey, particularly Istanbul, faces significant earthquake risk due to its location near the North Anatolian Fault and high population density. The Turkish government, in collaboration with the World Bank, has launched the Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (ISMEP) to enhance the city's readiness for earthquakes. The project, supported by various international financial institutions including the EIB, aims to implement essential investments to mitigate seismic risks in Istanbul. The potential disruption of social, economic, and financial life in Istanbul underscores the urgency of this initiative. ISMEP seeks to reduce the long-term impact of earthquakes on Istanbul's residents and the wider country.

ESMP and RAP Monitoring and Reporting Services to the Contractor for Kvemo-Samgori, Tbisi-Kumisi and Zeda Ru Irrigation System Secondary and Tertiary Network, Irrigation and Drainage Improvement Component (IDIC) to be implemented under the Irrigation and Land Market Development Project (ILMDP)
Audit services will be provided for construction and rehabilitation works across three lots: Zeda Ru, Kvemo Samgori Right Bank, and Tbisi Kumisi. Task A involves reviewing existing project studies, conducting surveys, preparing detailed designs, and assisting in tender processes. Task B includes supervising civil works, managing contracts, preparing reports, updating environmental and resettlement plans, supporting project monitoring, and providing technical assistance and training. The consultant will ensure compliance with World Bank standards, identify risks, propose mitigation measures, and assist in project completion and defect notification. They will also participate in presentations and site visits as requested by the client.